Thursday, June 20, 2013


I’ve been here –read: home sweet home– since four days ago. Yap, for holiday. But not really holiday, because sooner or later my internship is going to start, at DCS (Daya Cipta Seraya). It’s a company that provide consulting services architecture and interior design. Hope that everything runs smoothly. Wish me luck !

Tomorrow I’m going to visit my grandma with my parent and my sister too. We also plan for having our lunch at the seaside before we head to grandma’s home. Woohooo, already excited because I never had lunch at the seaside. I’m quite sure tomorrow will be one of my ‘real’ family time with them. I didn’t say that my family and I don’t have quality time together previously, but for some reasons I think I didn’t really get the feel for my previous family times ha ha ha. Well, I’m quite sure tomorrow will be great and fun.

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