Monday, July 27, 2009


Ummp, can’t wait to go there (Bandung, Jakarta and Yogya). I’ve never gone to Bandung and Jakarta yet. So it will be my first time there. Yogya, I’ve ever gone there for holiday. Yogya is one of interesting city, I think. I prefer Yogya than Jakarta. Because I think cost of living at Yogya is cheaper than cost of living at Jakarta. Then, Jakarta is more dangerous than Yogya. That’s why I want to take lecture there (Yogya, I mean). I really hope I can make it true. Well, wish me luck. ;) Bandung, I don’t know much about that city. Bandung also known as Paris van Java. I don’t know why Bandung called Paris van Java. But I guess cost of living at Bandung is as expensive as cost of living at Jakarta. Before I decide to take lecture at Yogya, I’ve ever decided to take lecture at Bandung. But my parent said that bandung is far away from here. And also cost of living is too high. Then I think twice for taking lecture at Bandung.
Gimana? Tulisanku (
in English) udah bagus belum?? Belum yakin nih grammar & structure-nya udah bener. Hehehe… Kayaknya quantity-nya masih kurang. Yah maklum, belum terbiasa. Lumayan susah juga nulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Boro-boro nulis dalam bahasa Inggris, dalam bahasa Indonesia aja aku masih susah. Maksudnya, aku masih sering bingung mau nulis apa. Like I have no idea, tapi kayaknya sih emang ideku kurang. Aku kurang bisa berimajinasi, jadi aku sering bingung, kagok (atau apalah namanya!) mau nulis apa. Yepp, aku ngga kreatif. Somebody tell me how to be creative, please…

happy learning :)